02 AKS – Create using Azure Portal

How to create AKS using Azure Portal and connect.

Email Notification – https://groups.google.com/g/techtalks-wriju
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Youtube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/TechTalksWriju?sub_confirmation=1
Dev.io Blog – https://dev.to/wrijugh
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Twitter – https://twitter.com/wrijugh
Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/azureforall
Blog – https://wriju.wordpress.com
Email to: wrijutechtalk@gmail.com

YAML – An Introduction

by Wriju Ghosh (@wrijugh)


When I started my career 20 years ago during 2000-2001, XML was the dark horse. My mentor suggested me to pick it up and learn about it. I bought a book on XSLT and even implemented it in a mail body formatting where data was coming from an XML output produced from database. Back then also WebServices and SOA was popular, and the output was always XML.

Things are different from JSON. It has replaced XML in most of the areas. The REST Api and JSON are now integrated. So in many setting which otherwise was commonly being done by XML.

XML and JSON both have solved the purposes they were meant for. However there is a small problem though that both are not that human eye friendly. So, there was a need to come up with something which is compatible with JSON and human readable. Thus, YAML was introduced.

As the official YAML documentation says,

YAML™ (rhymes with “camel”) is a human-friendly, cross language, Unicode based data serialization language designed around the common native data types of agile programming languages. It is broadly useful for programming needs ranging from configuration files to Internet messaging to object persistence to data auditing. Together with the Unicode standard for characters, this specification provides all the information necessary to understand YAML Version 1.2 and to create programs that process YAML information.

YAML is a serialization language

YAML is used in Kubernetes, Docker, DevOps etc.

Here we will talk about some of the basic syntax of YAML


YAML is a key-value combination separated by : and space. YAML uses line separation and spaces.

YAML don’t like tabs use 2 or 3 spaces. Some system like Kubernetes complains if tabs are used for indentation

class: III

Yaml is hierarchical, hence it can have child elements with indentation (use space not the tab)

class: III
studentName: Wrishika Ghosh

Supported Types

YAML supports primitive types like string, int, datetime etc.


cleared: true 
deployed: yes
vmStatus: on

Both yes,true,’on are the same. They mean 1. Any of the three pairs can be used here, yes-no, on-off, true-false.


For string you may or may not use " or ' to wrap it around. If you have special characters like " then you need to wrap it around with '. In normal course YAML does not enforce you to use quotes for string types.

- "Hello Mr. Ghosh, good morning"
- Hi
- "Good afternoon Midnight's children"
- "Line 1 \n Line 2"


You can use # to add comments in a YAML

# This is YAML file 
class: III
students:       # List of students
- name: Wriju

List of Objects

If you have more than one students to store then use -

class: III
- studentName: Wrishika Ghosh
- studentName: Wriju Ghosh

Because it is higherarchical we can format it better as below.

class: III
  - name: Wrishika
    roleNumber: 1
  - name: Wriju
    roleNumber: 2

Notice here I have both name and roleNumber together as a single child element within students.

if there is an array then it can be used with – and a space. – can be in the same position at the next line under which the child element is created. You can even give spaces but need to follow the same for next element. Use plural like students to indicate that it can be an array with one or more elements.

If an array is of same primitive type say string then it can be represented in []

subjects: ["English", "Kannada", "Mathematics", "Social Science", "History"]

This is convenient than writing like below,

- name: English
- name: Kannada

Multiline Strings

By using | (pipe) you can enter multiple lines and the line breaks will be preserved in the final output.

commentsMultiline: |
    this is comment number one
    There is another good product.

In YAML you can have thing in multiline but read as a single line. Then use >

commentSingleLine: > 
    Though it is written in multiple lines 
    which helps read the content.
    but actually this is a single line comment.

Multiple YAMLs in a single file

By using --- (three dashes) you can add multiple YAMLs in a single file

class: III
students: ["Wriju", "Wrishika"]
  name: Tech School
  address: Virtual


You can use {{}} in YAML to create a placeholder. This is used in Helm a lot.

Hope this was helpful to start.

Happy YAMLing

Basic Linux Commands

You will encounter often times with the Linux command prompt. Because the CKAD exam uses one of the Linux distributions. If you happen to not come from the Linux world it’ll be intimidating. You might get stuck on few things due to the lack of practice. Hence it is absolutely important to feel comfortable with Linux commands, at least the basic file handling etc.

Direct Video Link

Learning Python for Kids and Students

My humble open source approach towards teaching Python to students.

Github page https://wrijugh.github.io/python-for-kids/

Github Repo for feedback and contribution https://github.com/wrijugh/python-for-kids

Subscribe to Youtube Channel for videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03RQrU98OOvAoKiB7FNgUA

Look for the playlist “Python for Kids” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH60I37xI-jmDGHF1S_2ld5Gb7x0tP0Fp

Spread, learn and enjoy!!!


Wriju (Twitter @wrijugh)

Azure CLI Query the JSON Output

Azure CLI retuns JSON output bydefault. To find the right information we use JMESPath to query the JSON string. Azure CLI Allows you to pass the value in --query parameter.

Before we jump to the Azure CLI we can dive into the basics of JMESPath to find a bit more details.

Let’s assume that we have the below sample JSON

            "name": "Wriju", 
            "email": "wriju@contoso.com",
            "city": "Bangalore"        
            "name": "Wrishika", 
            "name": "Wrishika", 
            "email": "wrishika@contoso.com",
            "city": "Mysore",
            "name": "Writam", 
            "email": "writam@contoso.com",
            "city": "Siliguri"

To get all the values we can write employees then it will return all the values. If you want to view the values only from field name then you can use


This would result in as


Now imagine you want to read the jan value from sal property then you would write


so on and so forth.

In Azure CLI we can also use it filter the output result. If I want to get the admin user name of a VM that information is stored in

"osProfile": {
      "adminPassword": null,
      "adminUsername": "wriju",
      "allowExtensionOperations": true,
      "computerName": "wm-Ubuntu18",

So we can use osProfile.adminUsername

So the final Azure CLI would look like,

az vm show -g rg-vm -n wm-Ubuntu18 --query "osProfile.adminUsername"

Why OpenHack is different and how?

I wanted to talk about OpenHack here. OpenHack is a great solution building exercise which involves collaboration, planning and hands-on. We may have attended many technology workshops. In conferences I prefer to attend more labs than sessions, because sessions are generally recorded so you can watch it later. But the hands-on labs are always live and then you must do it to experience. I would rather call it a muscle memory which stays longer if you try a technology out by your hand (doing practical).

OpenHack comes with both the flavors plus more. Let me briefly talk about how it works. Before the pandemic, OpenHack used to be always an in-person event. So, one need to travel to the location and then be there for three days with a team to attend. But with this COVID-19 it has become completely virtual. This gives us an opportunity to now attend more and more such events without really worrying about travel and expenses. Especially with international travels one need a lot of time and money in terms of planning and approval. With this, it is an opportunity, an opportunity to learn more in one of the best technology learning experiences.

If you’re planning to attend OpenHack, you need to register at https://openhack.microsoft.com/#events-calendar

In each event the seats are limited. It is not guaranteed that everybody who has registered will get a chance. One of the reasons is that the OpenHack organizing committee create teams of multiple people from different background and different companies. It is also a collaborative learning experience and each of these tables will have a coach who can guide you to build the right solution. The responsibility of a coach is not to tell you the solution but to help you if you divert too much while planning and building the application. For example, if there is an exercise which says that you need to deploy a Web App to a cloud, you can deploy that in many ways. But what is the right way for that challenge? Because some of the clues are already given in the challenge will tell you about it. Just in case you have misread the information and go in a completely different direction the coach of your table will tell you to come back and then rethink about your design decision. This is how you will complete a challenge after challenge and once you finish one challenge your coach will approve it based on the demo and the things you have decided and done and open the next one. Throughout these three days you will do this repeatably. You might not be able to complete all the challenges but you will get a fair idea about how you can build a real life solution by collaborating with others taking a design decision and implementing them just like you do in normal project delivery exercise. That is why I wanted to call it out explicitly, it is not just the hands-on lab, it is a way beyond hands-on lab and in most of the OpenHacks there is no sessions delivered which means that you are not sitting idle and doing nothing and just listening to a presenter talking about a product feature for an hour. Even during the OpenHack if you would like to have some understanding about a technology area where you wanted to watch a video recording let’s say from a KubeConn or Ignite, you can plug on your headset and then watch it in the table personally or as a team. Earlier when there was a in-person OpenHack there used to be a monitor with every table where you can start the video, but it will generate a lot of noise. So, it was always recommended that you should listen it using your headset if you must listen any video to understand about how things can be implemented.

Long story short, in a nutshell if you care about spending time on learning I would recommend that you should watch the URL provided in this article and the look for anything happening in your time zone because the geography doesn’t matter. So for example if you are living in India both Indian time, Singapore time or European time matches your daytime. You do not have to stretch beyond the daytime, or you compromise on your sleep. You can even try out some of the United States based OpenHack challenges if you are a late-night person. It is up to you to pick and invest time on how you want to learn. This is highly recommended that you should look for it and enjoy the learning experience.

Start using Azure [Live Session 17-July-2020 1:00 PM IST]

Since I have posted about it on my LinkedIn a couple of months back, I’ve been thinking around it. Who should I target and what should I cover? I did ask quite a few of you in the form of an informal survey about your idea. Concluded as below,

  1. The sessions will be free to cost (no hidden cost at all). You need to invest your valuable time, energy, internet, and PC.
  2. This will focus on the basic level of technical understanding to help one get started on Azure.
  3. Time to time I would take the survey to understand the demand.
  4. I will make it online via Teams as I can arrange one easily.
  5. I will personally not collect any of your personal information like email and phone.
  6. I will use a platform for registration and notification management. It becomes easy for me.

After a lot of thinking around it, I have finally gathered all my courage and create an event at https://meetingplace.io/azureall – this is a free and like the most popular paid meetup group. I would rather use something which incurs no cost to anyone (not even me). The purpose is not commercial here.

So, one needs to first create a login and then signup the event and can also add to their calendar (supports Outlook, iOS, Google).

I’ve selected a time convenient to both India and Europe. Tomorrow’s session is at 9:30 Central European Time or 1:00 PM Indian Standard Time. I am still in the process of getting consent what is a good time or day in a week. I am sure we will not be able to find one common convenient universal 45 min slot in a single day. But at least the purpose is to get closure to it.

Who can join?

Anyone can join as long as you are learning. You may be an expert on Azure then it is not for you. This session is targeted towards first-timers of Azure. You may consider it very basic.

Action on you:

  • Register https://meetingplace.io/azureall and share it among your network.
  • Join 15 min before – Microsoft Teams works in Browser as well. Do install for better performance.
  • If you are prompt to login – use your Microsoft account. You can use Yahoo and Gmail but make sure it is Microsoft account.

If this session cannot happen?

I will arrange another and record so that people can listen at their convenience.

We will all learn together how it goes. Please be patient with me and others. Let’s help each other.

Contact Me 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrijugh

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wrijughosh/

AskWriju @GitHub: https://github.com/wrijugh/AskWriju/issues

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzFKvlZOm3ukAiF59B_HgQ

Future Events: https://meetingplace.io/azureall

Blog: https://wriju.wordpress.com/

Wish you good luck and pray that everything works as planned.


PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals [Resources]

PL-900 is the exam Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals and the details is available at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/PL-900 . Please have a look into the “Skills measured” section to see the updated curriculum. Also, in the same link below you will find the set of Microsoft Learn resources.

Microsoft Learn

Hands on Labs

The GitHub has the hands-on labs for Microsoft’s official learning lab which anyone can access and then try the steps. Please check out the Lab for PL-900 here https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/PL-900-Microsoft-Power-Platform-Fundamentals

Other Exams and their resources are available at https://wriju.wordpress.com/2020/05/30/azure-certification-learning-resources-and-labs-index/

Happy learning.


Machine Learning – Intense Study

Machine Learning is not just writing Python or R. It’s about Mathematics and being able to explore the data. ML helps if one has solid understanding on Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics. MIT has some of the best Open Course-wares by renowned professors of the field. Here are fe of them

18.06 – Linear Algebra by Prof Gilbert Strang

This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices.


6.0001 – Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python by Dr. Ana Bell, Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag

This course is intended for students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems and to help students, regardless of their major, feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class uses the Python 3.5 programming language.


18.05 – Introduction to Probability and Statistics by Jeremy Orloff, Jonathan Bloom

This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. Topics include: basic combinatorics, random variables, probability distributions, Bayesian inference, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and linear regression.


6.0002 – Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science by Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag, Dr. Ana Bell

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems and to help students, regardless of their major, feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class uses the Python 3.5 programming language.


Suppliment courses

18.01 – Single Variable Calculus by Prof. David Jerison


6.034 – Artificial Intelligence Prof. Patrick Henry Winston

This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial intelligence. Upon completion of 6.034, students should be able to develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems; understand the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system engineering; and appreciate the role of problem solving, vision, and language in understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective.


Did you forget Mathematics? You did if you haven’t practiced it for long.


DP-100 Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate [Resources]

DP-100 is the Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure exam and the details is available at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/dp-100. Please have a look into the “Skills measured” section to see the updated curriculum. Also in the same link below you will find the set of Microsoft Learn resources.

Microsoft Learn

Hands on Labs

The Github has the hands on labs for Microsoft’s official learning lab which anyone can access and then try the steps. Please check out the Lab for DP-100 here https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/DP100

Happy learning.


AZ-400 Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert [Resources]

AZ-400 is about Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions. To become Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert you need to clear AZ-400 alongside AZ-103/104 or AZ-203/204.

The picture below would explain it clearly

The official site for this exam contains the details about the curriculum it covers. Please have a look into the “Skills measured” section at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/az-400 and below there are learning paths from Microsoft Learn.

Note: You can independently get certified for AZ-400. However if you don’t qualify with one of the other exams, you won’t get the Expert badge.

Microsoft Learn


AZ-204 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate [Resources]

AZ-204 is about Developing Solutions for Azure. Once you clear this exam you will become Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate. The official site for this exam contains the details about the curriculum it covers. Please have a look into the “Skills measured” section at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/az-204 and below there are learning paths from Microsoft Learn.

Note: the current exam AZ-203 is available till around Aug 31, 2020. If you clear the AZ-203 exam before it expires, you have the validity for 2 years from the day you have cleared it. Because there is a replacement exam (AZ-204), you can give the transition exam to further get the certificate for additional 2 years. So, if you appear for AZ-203 now or before it’s expiry you won’t miss out anything.

Microsoft Learn

The official training Labs are freely available at Github.

Hands on Labs

AZ-204 Labs https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-204-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzure

AZ-203 Labs https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-203-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzure


Azure Certification Learning Resources and Labs Index

This is an index post to all my blogs related to resources and labs links to Azure Certification. Please consider it as Index. Hope this will help find the related posts.

Happy reading and enjoy learning.


Free Microsoft Dynamics 365 Trainings

Discover the possibilities of connecting products, people, and data at Microsoft Dynamics 365 Virtual Training Days. On this webinar you will learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 to create a cross-organisation business platform that goes beyond customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). Uncover new efficiencies of scale, discover smarter connections, and utilise new technologies like AI, mixed reality, and the Internet of Things.

Dynamics 365 Training Day


AZ-500 Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer [Resources]

The curriculum of the Exam AZ-500 is available here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/az-500

Please have a look into the “Skills measured” section for the updated details. Below you will find some MS Learn Reading resources

Microsoft Learn:

The hands-on labs are available here https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-500-Azure-Security

Happy learning


Find XElement with Namespace for sitemap in XLinq

Today in one of our discussions my past blog came into. In reminded me of the world of LINQ I had explored back then. Many quick solutions were posted on my blog. I thought of trying it again. I picked up my personal blog and wanted to read the sitemap.xml to see the URLs of my posts. Frankly, I struggled quite a lot. At one point in time I started feeling if I have lost the touch. But I kept trying. What I eventually figure out that there is a GHOST namespace getting added to each of the Xml elements after it is loaded by Linq, so my simple call with the string name is not fetching anything. In fact, I am getting null for any named selection. If I search with .Decendents() then it gives me all. But specific is coming as null.

The sitemap of my blog looks like

Of which I wanted to read the <loc> tag but I am getting null. What I figure out that in the case of namespace simple name will not work. You need to programmatically build the XName element and pass it as the parameter in place of string.

So, I build the XName as below

Then my LINQ with it stared working fine


Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate can be achieved after clearing one exam

AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/AZ-103

[However, the above AZ-103 is going to get retire on or around August 31, 2020]

So there is a new exam got announced in April 2, 2020 and will be available soon I recommend you focus on AZ-104

AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator (beta)    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/az-104

I recommend you go to the above links and check “Skills measured” for curriculum or content each exam covers. Below the “Skills measured” section it contains learning paths for the content you can learn. However, some handy links are here. But again, you may refer the certification page for more updated reading material.

Microsoft Learn

Labs at Github

On top of that there is nothing like trying out things while learning Azure. For that Microsoft Learn has democratized all its lab contents in Github. Keep an eye at https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning

The specific lab contents are available here

Happy learning.


Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate

Microsoft Certified Data Engineer Associate can be achieved after clearing two exams

  1. DP-200 Implementing an Azure Data Solution     https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/dp-200
  2. DP-201 Designing an Azure Data Solution    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/exams/dp-201

I recommend you go to the above links and check “Skills measured” for curriculum or content each exam covers. Below the “Skills measured” section it contains learning paths for the content you can learn. However, some handy links are here. But again, you may refer the certification page for more updated reading material.

Microsoft Learn

Labs at Github

On top of that there is nothing like trying out things while learning Azure. For that Microsoft Learn has democratized all its lab contents in Github. Keep an eye at https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning

The specific lab contents are available here

Happy learning.


Microsoft Certified: Azure Solution Architect

Microsoft Certified Azure Solution Architect can be achieved after clearing two exam

  1. AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies


  2. AZ-301 Microsoft Azure Architect Design


I recommend you go to the above links and check “Skills measured” for curriculum or content each exam covers.

Below the “Skills measured” section it contains learning paths for the content you can learn. However, some handy links here. But again you may refer the certification page for more updated reading material.

Microsoft Learn

Labs at Github

On top of that there is nothing like trying out things while learning Azure. For that Microsoft Learn has democratized all its lab contents in Github. Keep an eye at https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning

The specific lab contents are available here

AZ-300-Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies


AZ-301-Microsoft Azure Architect Design

Happy learning.


Golang – Functions – Part 2

Continuing from my past post on basic functions here I am going to discuss a bit about named return here

When you have a single return type

Then the call would look like

If you have two parameters, then you can write them as

While calling if you must use both then assign both the return values to named variable

If you don’t want to use one of the values, then you can simply use “_”

While reading the error value


Golang : Functions – Part 1

Importance of a programming language lies in its richness of building the logic. And the function is one such key tool. Golang comes with rich set of function building process. Let’s discuss some of its basic structures

Simple function: One parameter no return

When calling you can use

Going forward we will use only the calling block and no “main”. Thus omitting few additional lines from screenshots

One parameter and one return

While calling

If you want to catch the return in a variable and then use it later then you can use the below one

Two parameters and one return type

When you have same type parameters then the function declaration could look like

And the call would look like


Learn Azure DevOps for Free

Learning Azure DevOps is free. You just need to spend your time. No credit card is required.

Create a free Azure DevOps account for free https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2014881&campaign=acom~azure~devops~services~main~hero&githubsi=true&clcid=0x409&WebUserId=2AC7E7BFC9256CE710FFE9CCC8896D9E

There are a bunch of labs you can follow and learn step by step by doing it in your free account https://www.azuredevopslabs.com/

Azure DevOps Demo Generator – zero touch deployment of full Azure DevOps project and observe how it can be done effectively. See https://azuredevopsdemogenerator.azurewebsites.net/

Need books? Consider checking the most updated official documentations https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/?view=azure-devops

All Microsoft Learn Modules on Azure DevOps

Github integration


How to become Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) is a great privilege to have. It’s also a great way to get recognized as a trainer approved by industry. This enables you with a lot more resources and helps you focus on core part that is building your technical skills to train others. Thus you will be able to deliver effectively. As the name suggests you are recognized only for Microsoft Specific Technologies. If you are planning to build your career as a trainer not only on Microsoft technologies but also on other clouds and technologies then you need to get individual recognitions from respective authorities.


This helps you with the content for trainer and student. They are constantly updated. Hence you don’t have to worry about it. You can simply download and deliver the content. Student contents are basically the reading materials to a student who attended the class. You are an warrior with a lot of weapons. You just need to know how to use them to win the war.


MCT is not a single certification. It’s an application which has some required criteria. If you fulfill them you are eligible to apply for it. After the approval one can become an MCT. To apply MCT and know about the eligibility criteria please visit



Some of the FAQs


Q. What are the requirements for a first-time MCT applicant?

A. The candidate must possess a current Microsoft certification, and provide proof of instructional skills documentation.


Q. What is a qualifying certification?

A. A qualifying certification is one of the current and available Microsoft certifications. It’s required that every MCT candidate possess a qualifying certification to apply or renew in the MCT program.


An official page is available on how and what are defined here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/mct-certification.aspx



Free Learn Microsoft Certification-wise

Here are some of the advanced learning resources focusing on Certifications and Badges. All the links are from microsoft.com/learn. Each link is a learning path which would lead you to a set of modules focusing on one single solution. Happy learning…

DP-100 Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate



AZ-120: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads





DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution







AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies







AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies








Azure Administrator Associate (Badge)













Azure DevOps Engineer Expert (Badge)






Azure Developer Associate (Badge)













Open Application Model – A Developer’s Perspective

If you are a developer and you care about what’s upcoming and going to rule, you must watch the space “Open Application Model” or OAM. Container-based applications are the way today and in future. But as a developer you need to know and learn so much into those spaces. To me a developer should and must focus on the application and its UX not on where and how it is getting deployed. That is a different specialty altogether. For example, a Sys Admin might need to understand how Linux and Kubernetes works, a DevOps person may need to know how Helm and Chart works. At the end of the days Kubernetes and Helm are not applications. You don’t write business logic there. Why a developer should spend most of his/her time learning those ever-changing technologies and stay away from the core of their jobs. If you need to send email from Outlook, then do you need to learn how Exchange configuration happens? Same with Kubernetes. It’s another application infra. I have been observing a many developers jumping in that space forgetting about the runtime and libraries they need to master to be able to build and application. With Cloud no one manages their Kubernetes clusters anymore. Rather they consume it. More and more of such abstractions are going to come. OAM is one such step toward. It not only cares about Kubernetes but also targets another platform. Have a consolidated view of it here https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/opensource/2019/10/16/announcing-open-application-model/


Keep an eye on it if you care about developing great applications.



Deploy NodeJS application to Azure Web App

There are a many article on how to deploy Nodejs app to Azure App Service. Still I thought of keeping it in my blog based on the experience while working on it.

Assume you have the App Service Web App created for Node workload. If not, then please follow the how-to documentation in Azure documentation or simply try it out. The wizard will lead you to the right path I am sure. We will not be discussing about it in our blog.

Now when you create an App Service in Azure, you get few options. Windows, Linux and Container. We will be focusing on Windows and Linux. We will also assume that you have the NodeJS installed in your machine. If not, then you can download and install it from https://nodejs.org/en/

Once you have installed it, you can use the sample node app to test your deployment https://github.com/Azure-Samples/nodejs-docs-hello-world/archive/master.zip. Extract it, go inside the folder and run

npm start

This should show up as “Hello World”

Once it is fine let us deploy it to Azure App Service. You can do the ZIP deployment. When you Zip the content then do ZIP the files. If you ZIP the folder and then deploy as below this will create a folder inside wwroot. Hence your URL would have to have that folder name after the root URL.

App Service in Windows
would need a simple url http://<mysite&gt;.scm.aurewebsite.net/ZipDeployUI and drop the zip file to the browser. Done!!! Simple.

App Service in Linux can be done using CURL command curl -X POST -u <USER> https://<mysite&gt;.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/zipdeploy -T myAppFiles.zip

You can also try the options like, FTP deployment, GIT deployment. Publish from Visual Studio etc. Upto you to decide which one is convenient to you.

Node App needs WebConfig file. If you ever deploy a Node app using other options then you may need to manually create https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Using-a-custom-web.config-for-Node-apps

Some of the Kudu documentations are available here https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki


Azure Update Announcements in September 2019

Azure Update accouncements from 01 Sep 2019 to 30 Sep 2019

Azure Updates in August 2019


Blogs from 16 Aug 2019 to 31 Aug 2019


Blogs from 16 Aug 2019 to 23 Aug 2019

  • Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.08.16
  • Understanding delta file changes and merge conflicts in Git pull requests
  • Announcing TypeScript 3.6 RC
  • New Quick Action Transformations Added to Data Factory Mapping Data Flows
  • Find solutions faster by analyzing crash dumps in Visual Studio
  • What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 156
  • Announcing the general availability of Python support in Azure Functions
  • Azure Archive Storage expanded capabilities: faster, simpler, better
  • .NET Core and systemd
  • General availablility of Managed Identity for Linux in App Service and Functions
  • General availability of user-assigned managed identities for App Service and Azure Functions
  • The PowerShell you know and love now with a side of Visual Studio
  • Now available: Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 RTW
  • Announcing the Azure Repos app for Slack
  • Reducing SAP implementations from months to minutes with Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure Sphere’s customized Linux-based OS
  • Azure Security Center single click remediation and Azure Firewall JIT support
  • New Telemetry in PowerShell 7 Preview 3
  • PowerShell 7 Preview 3
  • .NET Framework August 2019 Preview of Quality Rollup
  • Azure Archive Expanded Capabilities now in Public Preview
  • Announcing new lower pricing for Azure Archive Storage
  • New Copy APIs for efficient data copy in Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure portal August 2019 feature update
  • How manufacturers became world leaders in IoT adoption
  • Digital transformation helps governments be more inclusive
  • Introducing Episode 5 of Learning from Leaders with Andrea Elkin
  • Make games with Visual Studio for Mac and Unity
  • Quantum Koan: High Probability
  • Hey .NET! Have you tried ML.NET?
  • Announcing pricing decrease for Azure App Service on the Premium plan
  • Global trace flags are now available in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
  • Azure Function Consumption plan for Linux is now available
  • Python support in Azure Functions is now available
  • Just-in-time (JIT) VM access for Azure Firewall is now generally available
  • Security Center now has single click remediation to boost your security posture (in preview)
  • Azure SQL provides a unified management experience
  • SQL data discovery and classification for Azure SQL Database is now available
  • Egress lockdown in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is now generally available
  • Same region read replica is now available for Azure Database for MariaDB
  • New Azure Blockchain SDK updates with Truffle
  • Help protect large data disks Azure Site Recovery
  • IoT Plug and Play Preview is now available
  • SQL Server 2019 release candidate is now available
  • Getting Started with GitHub Actions in Visual Studio
  • Preview of custom content in Azure Policy guest configuration
  • Plan migration of your Hyper-V servers using Azure Migrate Server Assessment
  • IoT Plug and Play is now available in preview
  • IRAP protected compliance from infra to SAP application layer on Azure
  • Visual Studio Tips and Tricks: Increasing your Productivity for .NET
  • Messaging Practices
  • Blogs from 11 Aug 2019 to 15 Aug 2019


    Blogs from 04 Aug 2019 to 11 Aug 2019


    Presenting Security with Azure Sphere in Dotnet Bangalore Meetup (10 Aug 2019)


    I like speaking in Meetups. This year has been fantastic so far. Mostly every month I spoke to some meetup. At every meetup I picked up something new. This gives me an immense opportunity to select something I am working on and study a bit more in-depth as I have to prepared for questions. I like demos and no/less PowerPoint. However, I make PowerPoint just to make sure that I can refer them as talking point when needed and have the resources posted. I have created the GitHub location for my PowerPoints which allows me to share them after the talk. The location for the talks are https://github.com/wrijugh/Tech-Presentations. I will add most recent past ones here. Also, another thing I thought is important is how one can refer it later. Since my talks are focused on demos, I try to record them before so that people can watch it later. I have created a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzFKvlZOm3ukAiF59B_HgQ

    Today I have delivered my maiden talk on IoT Security Using Azure Sphere at Dotnet Bangalore Meetup. The link to the event is here https://www.meetup.com/DotNetBLR/events/262410498/

    Some feedback shared by the organizer as below.

    Feedback comments
    Very good
    Very good
    Never knew about azures secure chip which requires multifactor authentication
    Very good
    Session was good but I m not aware that. Need to explore more.
    Very good.
    Good. Content delivery is excellent. He is subject matter expert in this area.
    Boring and not-so-interesting topic.
    The most dynamic talk of the day. Although I couldn’t get most of it due to my experience with azure. It was awesome
    Nicely explained and demonstrated the working and security of IOT device
    It’s was good and interesting about iot . Thanks wriju.
    Good to know IOT aim derail and how to configure deploy etc
    We need some basic about iot
    Good Session.
    Demo was good and informative .
    Got knowledge about iot and how it works with azure. very interesting. Very use full session. Thank you.
    Excellent by example
    Good. Came to know about the usage of IOT
    Awesome info. Will help in work.
    Hands-on session on MX and Azure sphere. Definitely need to keep up to date with IoT world
    Got an idea related to azure sphere iot devices.
    Great to know about the Azure Sphere,The speaker emphasized on the importance of the azure sphere which provided more insights on the IOT space in industry .
    Speaker has vast knowledge in IOT, could have given brief intro about IOT for newbies
    Iot is new to us out ,but nice discussion.
    Interesting session, Insight into Azure sphere device.

    I think audience was the nicest of the lot. Love you all.


    Microsoft Azure Bounty Program

    Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud computing services to help organizations build, manage, and deploy applications on a massive, global network using their preferred tools and frameworks.  The Microsoft Azure Bounty Program invites researchers across the globe to identify vulnerabilities in Azure products and services and share them with our team. Qualified submissions are eligible for bounty rewards from $500 to $40,000 USD, and up to $300,000 USD for the Azure Security Lab challenge.

    Bounties will be awarded at Microsoft’s discretion based on the severity and impact of the vulnerability and the quality of the submission, and subject to the Microsoft Bounty Terms and Conditions.  


    Tech Blogs (29-July-2019 to 4-Aug-2019)

  • Tech Blogs (14-July-2019 to 21-July-2019)
  • Tech Blogs from July 21 to July 28, 2019
  • Azure Blogs (July 21, 2019 to July 28, 2019)
  • New features added to Data Factory Mapping Data Flows making schema drift handling easy
  • Azure marketplace charges are now available in Azure Cost Management for Pay-As-You-Go customers!
  • Azure Security Center launched new SQL recommendations
  • Network security group improvements—ICMP support and override default Azure platform considerations
  • Creating an open industrial IoT ecosystem
  • The evolution of Microsoft Threat Protection—July update
  • Cumulative Update #4 for SQL Server 2014 SP3
  • Cumulative Update #18 for SQL Server 2014 SP2
  • Updating Azure Sphere OS
  • GPU Optimized Visualization VMs now available in South Central US, West US, West Europe and North Europe Azure Regions
  • Microsoft Machine Learning Server 9.4 is now available
  • Breaking the paralysis of choice
  • How to build a marketing services platform: learnings from our Microsoft journey
  • Council of EU Law Enforcement Protocol improves cross-border cooperation
  • Create personalized experiences in Dynamics 365 Virtual Agent for Customer Service with Microsoft Flow
  • You should stop using the very old Business Central online URLs
  • MaxDOP Added to SQL 2019 CTP3.0 Setup
  • Title Maximizing Your Security Posture with Azure Advanced Threat Protection
  • Introducing SQL Assessment API (Public Preview)
  • Status on Visual Studio feature suggestions
  • Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2019 Q3
  • HttpRepl: A command-line tool for interacting with RESTful HTTP services
  • The latest update to Azure Sphere (in preview) is now available in the retail feed
  • Azure Site Recovery update rollup 38 (July 2019)
  • Azure DevOps Roadmap update for Q3 of 2019
  • Managed Instance enhances security with network traffic containment within Azure cloud
  • Azure Security Center for IoT now available
  • Transforming law enforcement with the cloud and AI
  • How Windows Defender Antivirus integrates hardware-based system integrity for informed, extensive endpoint protection
  • CISO series: Better cybersecurity requires a diverse and inclusive approach to AI and machine learning
  • New to Microsoft 365 in July—updates to Azure AD, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and more
  • Mine knowledge from audio files with Microsoft AI
  • TechNet Guru Winners, June 2019!
  • OS/DB Migration FAQ: July 2019 v7.0
  • Cumulative Update #8 for SQL Server 2016 SP2
  • Theming in Visual Studio just got a lot easier
  • Azure Dedicated Host in Preview
  • Conversation intelligence is now available in Dynamics 365 Sales Insights
  • New Business Central apps in July 2019
  • Dynamics 365 Sales Insights app (with conversation intelligence) generally available
  • Retail Sales Forecasting with Discovery Hub® and Azure Machine Learning service
  • Deploy an end to end Azure environment easily and run your benchmarks with azhpc!
  • Cumulative Update #16 for SQL Server 2017 RTM
  • JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server Released
  • ODBC Driver 17.4 for SQL Server Released
  • Docker Desktop for WSL 2 integrates Windows 10 and Linux even closer
  • Azure IoT Dev Experience July Update: IoT Edge tooling GA and more!
  • Support for large test attachments now available in Azure Pipelines
  • Cross-tenant management is now supported in Azure Security Center
  • Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service—June 2019 update
  • Azure Cost Management updates—July 2019
  • Easy tables and easy APIs will be removed from Azure App Service on November 11, 2019
  • Self-Enabling Install of the Unified Interface Versions of Field & Project Service
  • How to receive message center messages in an email
  • Running HPC-X on SR-IOV enabled HPC instances in Azure
  • Hot News: CRC32 Error During Backups on Hana & High Page Out Fix for Windows
  • Maximizing Your Security Posture with Azure ATP
  • Azure Foundation for nonprofits
  • Create dependent pipelines in your Azure Data Factory
  • Dynamics 365 for Marketing August update and early access are rolling out now
  • Introducing Distributed transaction functionality on SQL Server 2017 on Linux starting with CU16
  • Azure Blogs (29 July 2019 to 4 Aug 2019)

  • Microsoft Azure welcomes customers, partners, and industry leaders to Siggraph 2019!
  • Choosing between Azure VNet Peering and VNet Gateways
  • Announcing general availability for the Azure Security Center for IoT
  • Run Windows Server and SQL Server workloads seamlessly across your hybrid environments
  • Cloud providers unite on frictionless health data exchange
  • Azure Cost Management updates – July 2019
  • Understanding and leveraging Azure SQL Database’s SLA
  • Introducing Azure Dedicated Host
  • New Azure Blueprint simplifies compliance with NIST SP 800-53
  • Moving your VMware resources to Azure is easier than ever
  • Improved developer experience for Azure Blockchain development kit
  • Updating Azure Sphere OS

    Azure Sphere is changing fast, so the device you have acquired in last month may need OS update. To check if your OS is current you can run,

    From your Azure Sphere command prompt

    If this shows something like below,

    Then run the below command to update the OS

    The successful execution would look like,

    Vola!!! Enjoy your test.

    Tech Blogs (14-July-2019 to 21-July-2019)

    Tech Blogs from July 21 to July 28, 2019

    Azure Blogs (July 21, 2019 to July 28, 2019)


    How Microsoft use DevOps



    Moving to Cloud Cadence

    Lori Lamkin covers our seven-year journey to cloud cadence. She goes through the sequence of steps we took, and that you can take as you become proficient at DevOps.

    Agile principles in practice

    Aaron Bjork discusses how we incorporate Agile principles and what that looks like in practice. Everything about how we manage teams, roles, planning, sprints, and flow has brought improvement to the software we build and use daily that customers can depend on.

    Release flow: Our branching strategy

    Working in a single master and using the pull request flow have been a key ingredient to keeping debt out and deployments clean. Ed Thomson covers lightweight topic branching on Git combined with Release Flow as part of our move to safe deployment. He starts with the transition from a hierarchical version control to Git.

    Mindset shift to DevSecOps culture

    Security is a key part of DevOps. Buck Hodges first walks through how we have done our security war games with red teams and blue teams. Buck goes on to cover our best practices for DevSecOps in running a SaaS business.

    Live-Site Culture

    Live-Site Culture (or a Production-First Mindset) is essential to running a service. Tom Moore discusses both how we handle service reliability and how we practice, You Build It, You Run It. You can’t control what you can’t measure. Along the way, Tom Moore shows how we use telemetry to monitor VSTS and gain continual insight into both the health and usage of the service.

    Evolving test practices: combining development and test                  

    Microsoft’s decision to move to a single engineering organization, where development and testing are a unified part of the build process rather than separate roles, has helped every engineer have a greater impact on the quality of the software. Munil Shah shares his first hand experiences.

    How Microsoft Architect their own DevOps

    From monolith to cloud service

    Buck Hodges starts with the path from monolith to cloud service as we moved from a single delivery stream of TFS on-prem to dual streams including VSTS on Azure. He discusses how we maintain consistency between the on-prem product and the hosted multi-tenant service.

    Achieving no downtime through versioned service updates

    Running the hosted service 24x7x365 globally requires that we can deploy updates intraday with no downtime. Buck describes the architecture and technical process for updating the service while live.

    Progressive experimentation with feature flags

    A key advantage of the cloud service is that it provides a continuous feedback loop with our users. Here Buck discusses how we use feature flags to progressively reveal new functionality and to experiment in production.

    Patterns for Resiliency in the Cloud

    By definition, a 24x7x365 service needs to be always available. Buck describes how we have used cloud patterns for resiliency, such as circuit breakers and throttling, to ensure the availability and performance of VSTS.

    Shift left to test fast and reliably

    Availability would be meaningless without suitable quality. Munil Shah covers how we shift left to test fast and reliably – he takes us through the evolution that has led to our ability to run 60,000 tests in the pull request flow before commit to master and continuous integration.

    Eliminating flaky tests to build trust

    To get a reliable signal from high-volume test automation, we need to be able to trust the test results. Munil describes how we eliminate flaky tests so that red can mean red.

    Shift right to test in production

    Testing only in pre-production environments helps you with the faults you’ve previously encountered, but not the ones you haven’t seen. Munil explains how there is no place like production and that means we need to test in production too.

    Safe deployment practices

    When you deploy continuously, you need to control the blast radius and continually expand based on the health of the release. Ed Glas goes over the safe deployment practices that we use for progressive exposure.

    Azure Blogs in June 2019

    Important Blogs posted in Azure Blogs during June 2019
    Using Text Analytics in call centers
    Ask Me Anything – “Network” with teams from Azure Networking!
    Empowering clinicians with mobile health data: Right information, right place, right time
    Securing the hybrid cloud with Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel
    Announcing self-serve experience for Azure Event Hubs Clusters
    A look at Azure’s automated machine learning capabilities
    Building a better asset and risk management platform with elastic Azure services
    Microsoft commercial marketplace updates–May 2019
    Customize your automatic update settings for Azure Virtual Machine disaster recovery
    Azure Stack IaaS – part nine
    Using Text Analytics in call centers
    How to optimize your Azure environment
    Build more accurate forecasts with new capabilities in automated machine learning
    Announcing Mobility service for Azure Maps, SDKs updates, and more
    Microsoft hosts HL7 FHIR DevDays
    Three things to know about Azure Machine Learning Notebook VM
    Azure Marketplace new offers – Volume 38
    Update IoT devices connected to Azure with Mender update manager
    Compute and stream IoT insights with data-driven applications
    Azure.Source – Volume 86
    Microsoft FHIR Server for Azure extends to SQL
    Taking advantage of the new Azure Application Gateway V2
    Virtual machine memory allocation and placement on Azure Stack
    Azure Shared Image Gallery now generally available
    Join Microsoft at ISC2019 in Frankfurt
    Accelerating smart building solutions with cloud, AI, and IoT
    Customers get unmatched security with Windows Server and SQL Server workloads in Azure
    Make your data science workflow efficient and reproducible with MLflow
    Learn by example: How IoT solutions transform industries
    How one Azure IoT partner is building connected experiences
    Three ways to get notified about Azure service issues
    Smarter edge, smarter world: Discover the autonomous edge
    Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 3: Performance and resource utilization
    Simplify B2B communications and free your IT staff
    First Microsoft cloud regions in Middle East now available
    Using Azure Search custom skills to create personalized job recommendations
    Announcing the preview of Microsoft Azure Bastion
    Azure Security Expert Series: Best practices from Ann Johnson
    Azure Marketplace new offers – Volume 39
    Microsoft and Truffle partner to bring a world-class experience to blockchain developers
    Azure Stack IaaS – part ten
    Azure.Source – Volume 87
    Virtual machine scale set insights from Azure Monitor
    Azure Security Expert Series: Learn best practices and Customer Lockbox general availability
    New to Azure? Follow these easy steps to get started
    Microsoft positioned as a leader in the Forrester WaveTM: Database-as-a-service
    Gartner names Microsoft a leader in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise iPaaS
    Azure HC-series Virtual Machines crosses 20,000 cores for HPC workloads
    Introducing next generation reading with Immersive Reader, a new Azure Cognitive Service
    Azure.Source – Volume 88
    Azure Cosmos DB: A competitive advantage for healthcare ISVs
    Using natural language processing to manage healthcare records
    Event-driven analytics with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
    Announcing the general availability of Azure premium files
    Leveraging complex data to build advanced search applications with Azure Search
    A solution to manage policy administration from end to end
    Azure Blockchain Workbench 1.7.0 integration with Azure Blockchain Service
    New PCI DSS Azure Blueprint makes compliance simpler
    Solving the problem of duplicate records in healthcare

    Azure from 10-June-2019 to 14-June-2019

    Three things to know about Azure Machine Learning Notebook VM

    Azure Marketplace new offers – Volume 38

    Update IoT devices connected to Azure with Mender update manager

    Compute and stream IoT insights with data-driven applications

    Azure.Source – Volume 86

    Microsoft FHIR Server for Azure extends to SQL

    Taking advantage of the new Azure Application Gateway V2

    Virtual machine memory allocation and placement on Azure Stack

    Azure Shared Image Gallery now generally available

    Join Microsoft at ISC2019 in Frankfurt

    Accelerating smart building solutions with cloud, AI, and IoT

    Customers get unmatched security with Windows Server and SQL Server workloads in Azure

    Make your data science workflow efficient and reproducible with MLflow

    Learn by example: How IoT solutions transform industries

    How one Azure IoT partner is building connected experiences

    Three ways to get notified about Azure service issues

    Smarter edge, smarter world: Discover the autonomous edge

    Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 3: Performance and resource utilization

    Simplify B2B communications and free your IT staff

    Latest Blogs 22-May-2019

    Azure.Source Volume 83

    Updates to synchronous autoload of extensions in Visual Studio 2019

    Build a strong identity foundation with Azure AD provisioning

    Generation 2 virtual machines in Azure – Public Preview

    May update of Dynamics 365 Layout provides new learning features, other improvements

    The F# development home on GitHub is now dotnet/fsharp

    Debug IoT Edge C / C# Windows Module Container with Visual Studio Azure IoT Edge Tools

    Code Reviews Using the Visual Studio Pull Requests Extension

    Designing custom navigation for Power BI apps is now available

    Public preview of Azure Active Directory B2C in China

    Launching an intelligent future with AI

    Moving from Node.js to .NET Core

    Announcing Azure DevOps Server 2019.0.1 RTW

    Drive higher utilization of Azure HDInsight clusters with autoscale

    Who put Python in the Windows 10 May 2019 Update?

    Mapping Data Flows feature is now available in Azure Data Factory

    Azure Monitor classic alerts retirement date extended to August 31st, 2019

    Azure log integration tool deprecation

    A SQL Server tale of two cities

    How to govern Power BI visuals inside your organization

    ShopTalk 2019 recap part 3: AI can check age-old retail problems

    Hello Service Mesh Interface (SMI): A specification for service mesh interoperability

    Helm 3: simpler to use, more secure to operate

    Extending Kubernetes in the open

    Step 9. Protect your OS: top 10 actions to secure your environment

    Retrieve Resource Availability with Universal Resource Scheduling API

    Deprecation of Unified Service Desk 3.2 and lower versions, and features

    New SharePoint home sites headline Microsoft 365 innovations for the intelligent workplace

    Identity Secure Score is now generally available!

    Build 2019 AI sessions and recordings

    Azure AI Keynote

    BRK2006 Azure AI: Powering AI for every developer and every organization


    Demo code LaLiga

    Demo code Walgreens Boots Alliance

    Machine Learning – Azure Machine Learning service

    BRK2004 Breaking the Wall between Data Scientists and App Developers with MLOps


    Demo code

    BRK2005 Want to actually do machine learning? Wrangle data, build models, and deploy them with Azure Machine Learning


    BRK3008 Build “zero code” machine learning models with visual workflow capabilities in Azure Machine Learning service


    BRK3009 From Zero to AI Hero–Automatically generate ML models using Azure Machine Learning service, Automated ML


    Demo code

    BRK3010 Managing your ML lifecycle with Azure Databricks and Azure ML


    BRK3011 Welcome to the world of Machine Learning with ML.NET 1.0


    Demo code

    BRK3012 Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) in the enterprise: how Microsoft scales ML across the world and across devices


    BRK3013 How to build enterprise ready ML: Privacy and Security best practices, in the cloud and on the edge


    BRK3014 Build an AI-powered Pet Detector with Python, TensorFlow, and Visual Studio Code


    Demo code

    Knowledge Mining – Azure Search and Form Recognizer

    BRK2001 Introducing AI-driven content understanding with Cognitive Search and Cognitive Services


    BRK2002 Announcing Form Recognizer: Create real value in your business processes by automating extraction of text, key value pairs and tables from forms, and easily customizing state-of-the-art AI


    Demo code

    BRK3001 Unlock Knowledge Mining on your domain: build custom skills to tailor content understanding to your industry


    Demo code 1

    Demo code 2

    BRK3002 Try this one weird AI trick on your data. Turn any data into structured knowledge using the new Knowledge Mining capabilities of the Azure AI platform


    Demo code

    AI apps and agents – Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service

    BRK2003 Designing AI Responsibly


    Demo code 1

    Demo code 2

    BRK3003 How to use Azure Conversational AI to scale your business for the next generation- A deep dive into La Liga’s story


    Demo code 1

    Demo code 2

    BRK3004 How to build enterprise ready, scalable AI solutions using Azure Cognitive Services


    Demo code 1

    Demo code 2

    BRK3005 5 industries that are getting disrupted by Computer Vision on Cloud and on Edge


    Demo code

    BRK3006 What’s new in Speech Services and how to utilize them to build speech-enabled scenarios and solutions


    BRK3007 Deliver the Right Experiences & Content like Xbox with Cognitive Services Personalizer


    Demo code 1

    Demo code 2

    Copied from https://github.com/buildaidemos/demos


    From Zero to Hero in Azure DevOps

    Azure DevOps is all about doing (probably the 100th time I am repeating).

    1. Azure DevOps is free (good thing is no Credit card is required). So, use your credential to sign up for it https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/devops/
    2. Subscribe Azure DevOps blog https://devblogs.microsoft.com/devops/
    3. Learning new and don’t have enough data? Never mind use https://azuredevopsdemogenerator.azurewebsites.net/
    4. Set up the *real* project where it actually deploys to Azure use Azure DevOps Projects

    Microsoft Build Conference 2019 – why I am so excited

    Microsoft Build 2019 is around the corner and happening from May 6 – 8 in Seattle, United States. This is majorly a developer centric event but also covers fare bit of areas around other technologies. Few thousand diverse developers, presenters, Microsoft product group would travel to build. Build will evolve around

    • Containers
    • AI / Machine Learning
    • Serverless
    • DevOps
    • IoT
    • Mixed Reality
    • Power Platform

    This time build is quite unique in many different aspects.

    1. If you have young kid who is aspiring developer, you can bring them for free with you. I think this is one of it’s first kind.
    2. Like Microsoft build is fundamentally inclusive in nature and you will find the various needs are taken care by design
    3. Excitement of being there is different, but it does not stop you enjoy the vibe if you could not join. Most of the build sessions will be broadcasted live. Session list is available now, you can create a schedule and join live. Please have a look here https://mybuild.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions

    Call to action:

    1. Build your calendar (you can login to the build portal and do it)
    2. Watch sitting from home or office at your comfort if you are not travelling to the conference.

    I must say the statement “Microsoft Build for all” is so true.


    Tips on appearing AZ-400 Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

    AZ-400 is Azure DevOps Engineer Associate exam. This mostly covers Azure DevOps and bit of Azure services relevant in its context.

    If you are planning to appear this exam here are some of my take,

    1. Go to the exam page https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/azure-devops.aspx and look for a section “Skills measured” (this is not visible in Mobile web). This section covers what is expected from the candidate. If you work on this tool, then you will be able to relate the content. But if you don’t then I recommend you do 80-20 study – 80% hands on and 20% theory. Azure DevOps is all about doing things. If you do it then eventually you will know it.
    2. Azure DevOps is free and to open a free account you don’t need to provide the credit card information. So go ahead and start playing at https://dev.azure.com
    3. For hands on lab you don’t need to be imaginative. There already a bunch of them here https://www.azuredevopslabs.com/. If you are not working on it, then I would recommend you do all of them. This will give you very high confidence. As Azure DevOps is all about using the tool hence doing would stay long term in your memory.
    4. You can generate some demos in Azure DevOps. This would have some end to end setup including Build and Release pipeline https://azuredevopsdemogenerator.azurewebsites.net/ – go and play with it.
    5. Also you can consider building project under Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com) “DevOps Projects“. This will let you pick up the runtime and deploy an app. This will deploy the components to your Azure subscription. So, you need access to Azure subscription.
    6. Do use the official documentation of Azure DevOps https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/user-guide/what-is-azure-devops?view=azure-devops

    Remember there is no alternative to actually “doing” it. Take your time to prepare for it if you are not working day in and out.


    Roles in Azure AD

    Apart from Global Administrators and Privileged Role Administrators Azure AD comes with some other roles as well.

    Application Administrator
    Application Developer
    Authentication Administrator
    Billing Administrator
    Cloud Application Administrator
    Cloud Device Administrator
    Compliance Administrator
    Conditional Access Administrator
    Customer Lockbox access approver
    Device Administrators
    Directory Readers
    Directory Synchronization Accounts
    Directory Writers
    Dynamics 365 administrator / CRM Administrator
    Exchange Administrator / Company Administrator
    Guest Inviter
    Information Protection Administrator
    Intune Administrator
    License Administrator
    Message Center Reader
    Partner Tier1 Support
    Partner Tier2 Support
    Helpdesk (Password) Administrator
    Power BI Administrator
    Privileged Role Administrator
    Reports Reader
    Security Administrator
    Security Reader
    Service Support Administrator
    SharePoint Administrator
    Skype for Business / Lync Administrator
    Teams Administrator
    Teams Communication Administrator
    Teams Communication Support Engineer
    Teams Communication Support Specialist

    for more please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles

    Microsoft Ignite 2018 Update

    AI + Machine Learning

    Azure Cognitive Services—Speech Service now generally available

    Speech service is now generally available, combining the following capabilities in one service: speech-to-text; text-to-speech; custom speech; and speech translation.

    Azure Active Directory conditional access in Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) conditional access, which allows administrators to control where and when users are permitted to sign in to Azure Databricks. Some of the common concerns this addresses include restricted sign-in access, limited network location access, managing the type of device access as well as restricted access to client applications.

    Azure Key Vault support with Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Key Vault backed secret scope. With this, Azure Databricks now supports two types of secret scopes—Azure Key Vault-backed and Databricks-backed.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse streaming support in Azure Databricks.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse connector now offers efficient and scalable structured streaming write support for SQL Data Warehouse.

    Azure Databricks is available in Japan, Canada, India, and Australia

    Azure Databricks is now generally available in additional regions—Japan, Canada, India, Australia Central and Australia Central 2. With these additions, Azure Databricks is now available in 24 regions.

    Azure Databricks Delta now in preview

    The delta feature is now available in preview at no additional cost in the premium SKU of Azure Databricks. With delta, customers get better data reliability, improved performance for their jobs and queries, and opportunity to simplify their data pipelines. Delta is a transactional storage layer in Azure Databricks. With delta, we’re enabling customers to simplify building high performance analytics solution at scale using Azure Databricks and get better reliability and higher performance on Spark jobs and queries.

    Microsoft R Server is now Microsoft Machine Learning Server

    Machine Learning Server (previously known as Microsoft R Server) is a flexible enterprise platform for analyzing data at scale, building intelligent apps, and discovering valuable insights across a business now with full support for Python and R. Transform your business with scalable, enterprise-grade R and Python-based data analytics using your data and existing investments.


    Azure Data Explorer

    Perform ad-hoc queries on terabytes of data with Azure Data Explorer—a lightning-fast indexing and querying service for data exploration. Use Azure Data Explorer for analytics of log and telemetry data from websites, applications, and IoT devices.

    Azure Active Directory conditional access in Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) conditional access, which allows administrators to control where and when users are permitted to sign in to Azure Databricks. Some of the common concerns this addresses include restricted sign-in access, limited network location access, managing the type of device access as well as restricted access to client applications.

    Azure Key Vault support with Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Key Vault backed secret scope. With this, Azure Databricks now supports two types of secret scopes—Azure Key Vault-backed and Databricks-backed.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse streaming support in Azure Databricks.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse connector now offers efficient and scalable structured streaming write support for SQL Data Warehouse.

    Azure Databricks is available in Japan, Canada, India, and Australia

    Azure Databricks is now generally available in additional regions—Japan, Canada, India, Australia Central and Australia Central 2. With these additions, Azure Databricks is now available in 24 regions.

    Event Hubs on Azure Stack

    Azure Event Hubs is a big data streaming platform and event ingestion service, capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second, that can now run on Azure Stack.

    SQL Data Warehouse now offers flexible restore points

    SQL Data Warehouse is a fast, flexible and secure analytics platform. It now provides user defined restore points, enabling you to initiate snapshots before and after significant operations on your data warehouse.

    SQL Data Warehouse intelligent insights

    Get intelligent insights to ensure your data warehouse is consistently optimized for performance with SQL Data Warehouse intelligent insights.

    SQL Data Warehouse Vulnerability Assessment

    SQL Vulnerability Assessment is an easy-to-use service that continually monitors your database or data warehouse, ensuring those are maintained at a high level of security at all times and that your organizational policies are met.

    SQL Data Warehouse: User defined maintenance scheduling

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse maintenance scheduling is now preview. This is a new feature that seamlessly integrates the Azure Service Health planned maintenance notifications with Resource Health monitor services.

    HDInsight 4.0 in preview

    Azure HDInsight 4.0 Preview is now available, backed by our enterprise-grade SLA.

    Enterprise Security Package for Azure HDInsight generally available

    Enterprise Security Package for Azure HDInsight is now generally available.

    Azure Databricks Delta now in preview

    The delta feature is now available in preview at no additional cost in the premium SKU of Azure Databricks. With delta, customers get better data reliability, improved performance for their jobs and queries, and opportunity to simplify their data pipelines. Delta is a transactional storage layer in Azure Databricks. With delta, we’re enabling customers to simplify building high performance analytics solution at scale using Azure Databricks and get better reliability and higher performance on Spark jobs and queries.

    New SQL Data Warehouse performance tier SKU

    The industry-leading query performance of the compute optimized Gen2 tier of SQL Data Warehouse is now accessible to more customers through a new smaller SKU, 500DWc. With this release, get started with a powerful data warehouse in the cloud for as low as USD7.56/hour (in the US East region—price varies by region).

    C# UDF for Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge now in preview

    C# user-defined functions (UDF) support for Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge is now available in preview.

    Developer tools enhancements for Apache Spark on Azure HDInsight

    We’re bringing several exciting new enhancements to developer tools for Apache Spark on Azure HDInsight.

    Cognitive Services – Speech APIs

    Azure Cognitive Services—Speech Service now generally available

    Speech service is now generally available, combining the following capabilities in one service: speech-to-text; text-to-speech; custom speech; and speech translation.


    General availability: Automatic OS image upgrade in virtual machine scale sets

    It is easy to enable automatic OS image updates in Virtual machine scale sets for the most popular images.

    Azure Virtual Machine Image Builder available in private preview

    Azure Virtual Machine (VM) Image Builder, now available in private preview, allows you to migrate your image building pipeline to Azure.

    Linux preview support of custom virtual networks on Azure Container Instances

    You can now provision Linux containers into new or existing virtual networks with Azure Container Instances. This support is in preview for Linux in two regions: West US and West Europe.

    Azure App Service

    Azure App Service updates from Microsoft Ignite

    Azure Service Fabric

    Azure Service Fabric announcements at Ignite

    Service Fabric now available on Azure Stack

    Service Fabric, a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers, is now available on Azure Stack.

    Tomcat for Azure App Service on Linux now generally available

    Azure App Service on Linux now supports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9. Azure App Service for Tomcat on Linux allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale their Tomcat web applications on a fully managed Linux-based service.

    Azure Functions—Functions runtime 2.0 now generally available

    The cross platform and improved Azure Functions runtime is now generally available, allowing you to use your cross-platform .NET Core assets within your Functions apps.

    Azure Functions—Consumption plan for Linux in preview

    Azure Functions now supports consumption plan for deploying to Linux.

    Azure Functions—Python support in preview

    Azure Functions now supports Python development using Python 3.6 on the Functions v2 (cross-platform) runtime.

    Kubernetes on Azure Stack in preview

    We now support Kubernetes cluster deployment on Azure Stack, a certified Kubernetes Cloud Provider. Install Kubernetes using Azure Resource Manager templates generated by ACS-Engine on Azure Stack.

    Protect data in use with Azure Confidential Computing

    Azure Confidential Computing benefits are now available on a new DC series of virtual machines in Azure for preview using Intel SGX chipsets. In addition, Azure is also offering an open source SDK to provide a consistent enclave abstraction experience to build your SGX-based applications.

    New GPU enabled NVv2 Azure Virtual Machines for graphics intensive applications

    NVv2 Azure Virtual Machines, which have been architected to support remote visualization workloads and other graphics intensive applications, are now available in preview.

    Bring your own storage to App Service on Linux

    App Service now supports the ability for customers to bring additional storage accounts to their Linux web apps

    General availability: Serial console for Azure VMs

    Serial console for Azure VMs is generally available with new features and many bug fixes and improvements.


    Linux preview support of custom virtual networks on Azure Container Instances

    You can now provision Linux containers into new or existing virtual networks with Azure Container Instances. This support is in preview for Linux in two regions: West US and West Europe.

    Azure App Service

    Azure App Service updates from Microsoft Ignite

    Azure Service Fabric

    Azure Service Fabric announcements at Ignite

    Service Fabric now available on Azure Stack

    Service Fabric, a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers, is now available on Azure Stack.

    Tomcat for Azure App Service on Linux now generally available

    Azure App Service on Linux now supports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9. Azure App Service for Tomcat on Linux allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale their Tomcat web applications on a fully managed Linux-based service.

    Kubernetes on Azure Stack in preview

    We now support Kubernetes cluster deployment on Azure Stack, a certified Kubernetes Cloud Provider. Install Kubernetes using Azure Resource Manager templates generated by ACS-Engine on Azure Stack.

    Azure Container Registry tasks

    Azure Container Registry tasks, previously known as Azure Container Registry build, enables inner-loop development in the cloud with on-demand container image builds.

    Azure Container Registry—Helm repositories in preview

    As customers deploy multi-container applications, Helm has evolved as the defacto standard to describe Kubernetes-based applications. With Helm repositories, customers can push their Helm Charts to Azure Container Registry, providing a single source of truth for their images and deployment definitions running in Kubernetes.

    Azure Container Registry—Open Container Initiative (OCI) support in preview

    Azure Container Registry now supports OCI image format. Using projects like BuildKit, build and push OCI formatted container images.

    Azure Container Registry tasks—Multi-step capability now in preview

    Use Azure Container Registry tasks, now in preview, to define a series of steps to build, test, and validate your containers before they’re deployed.

    App Service—Python for App Service Linux preview

    App Service on Linux now supports Python 3.6/3.7 in preview.

    Bring your own storage to App Service on Linux

    App Service now supports the ability for customers to bring additional storage accounts to their Linux web apps


    Public preview: Read replicas for Azure Database for MySQL

    Azure Database for MySQL supports up to five read-only replicas within the same Azure region (public preview).

    Azure Redis Cache now supports a 120-GB cache in the premium tier

    Now in preview, Azure Redis Cache now supports a 120-GB cache in the premium tier. This new offering more than doubles the largest cache size previously available for those looking to store high volumes of data in a single cache instance.

    Azure SQL Database Managed Instance general purpose

    Azure SQL Database Managed Instance general purpose will become generally available on October 1, 2018. Managed Instance provides the best of SQL Server with the benefits of a fully-managed service, allowing you to migrate your on-premises workloads to the cloud with minimal changes. The general purpose performance tier provides balanced and scalable compute and storage options that fit most business workloads.

    Preview: Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

    We are excited to announce the preview of Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

    Preview: Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Database for MySQL

    We are excited to announce the preview of Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Database for MySQL.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse streaming support in Azure Databricks.

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse connector now offers efficient and scalable structured streaming write support for SQL Data Warehouse.

    SQL Data Warehouse now offers flexible restore points

    SQL Data Warehouse is a fast, flexible and secure analytics platform. It now provides user defined restore points, enabling you to initiate snapshots before and after significant operations on your data warehouse.

    SQL Data Warehouse intelligent insights

    Get intelligent insights to ensure your data warehouse is consistently optimized for performance with SQL Data Warehouse intelligent insights.

    SQL Data Warehouse Vulnerability Assessment

    SQL Vulnerability Assessment is an easy-to-use service that continually monitors your database or data warehouse, ensuring those are maintained at a high level of security at all times and that your organizational policies are met.

    SQL Data Warehouse: User defined maintenance scheduling

    Azure SQL Data Warehouse maintenance scheduling is now preview. This is a new feature that seamlessly integrates the Azure Service Health planned maintenance notifications with Resource Health monitor services.

    Azure Database Migration Service: SQL to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance online migrations

    Migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance with minimal downtime by using preview functionality in the Azure Database Migration Service.

    Azure Database Migration Service: SQL to Azure SQL Database offline migration support

    Now generally available, the Azure Database Migration Service provides you the ability to assess SQL Server workloads running on-premises or on VMs, and to perform offline migrations to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.

    Preview of performance recommendations for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

    Azure Database for PostgreSQL can learn and adapt to your workloads. The preview release of performance recommendations provides a list of recommendations for creating new indexes to potentially improve the performance of your workloads.

    Query performance insights for Azure Database for PostgreSQL in preview

    The query performance insights feature in Azure Database for PostgreSQL is now available in preview.

    Preview of Query Store for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

    Azure Database for PostgreSQL now provides preview support for query store, which collects and stores query execution statistics and wait event distributions.

    Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity now generally available

    Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity helps you save when you pre-pay for one year or three years. With Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity, get a discount on the resources used and reduce your costs by up to 65 percent compared to pay-as-you-go prices.

    Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API now generally available

    With the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API, experience the power of the Azure Cosmos DB platform with the familiarity of your favorite Apache Cassandra SDKs and tools.

    Advanced Threat Protection for Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL

    Advanced Threat Protection for Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL helps to detect and respond to potential threats as they occur. Users receive an alert upon suspicious database activities, with potential vulnerabilities and anomalous database access and query patterns. This feature integrates alerts with Azure Security Center to provide details of suspicious activity and recommendations on how to investigate and mitigate them.

    New SQL Data Warehouse performance tier SKU

    The industry-leading query performance of the compute optimized Gen2 tier of SQL Data Warehouse is now accessible to more customers through a new smaller SKU, 500DWc. With this release, get started with a powerful data warehouse in the cloud for as low as USD7.56/hour (in the US East region—price varies by region).

    Developer Tools

    New Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code

    A new Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code is now available in preview that enables developers to do more with a first-party development experience.

    Azure Policy for Azure DevOps

    Azure Policy integration with Azure DevOps is now available.


    Azure Policy for Azure DevOps

    Azure Policy integration with Azure DevOps is now available.


    Azure Active Directory conditional access in Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) conditional access, which allows administrators to control where and when users are permitted to sign in to Azure Databricks. Some of the common concerns this addresses include restricted sign-in access, limited network location access, managing the type of device access as well as restricted access to client applications.

    Azure Active Directory Integration with Azure Files in preview

    Azure Files Azure AD Integration for SMB access using Azure AD Domain Services is now available in preview.


    New Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code

    A new Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code is now available in preview that enables developers to do more with a first-party development experience.

    Internet of Things

    Azure IoT Central is now available

    Azure IoT Central is now generally available. Built on the Microsoft Cloud, Azure IoT Central is a market differentiated software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, designed to enable the rapid innovation, design, configuration, and integration of smart products with enterprise-grade systems and applications. Stay ahead of the competition and deliver smart products that delight your customers with a solution that helps to reduce your go-to-market cycle and increases the speed at which you can innovate.

    New Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code

    A new Logic Apps extension for Visual Studio Code is now available in preview that enables developers to do more with a first-party development experience.

    Azure Functions—Functions runtime 2.0 now generally available

    The cross platform and improved Azure Functions runtime is now generally available, allowing you to use your cross-platform .NET Core assets within your Functions apps.

    Azure Functions—Consumption plan for Linux in preview

    Azure Functions now supports consumption plan for deploying to Linux.

    Azure Functions—Python support in preview

    Azure Functions now supports Python development using Python 3.6 on the Functions v2 (cross-platform) runtime.

    Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity now generally available

    Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity helps you save when you pre-pay for one year or three years. With Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacity, get a discount on the resources used and reduce your costs by up to 65 percent compared to pay-as-you-go prices.

    Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API now generally available

    With the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API, experience the power of the Azure Cosmos DB platform with the familiarity of your favorite Apache Cassandra SDKs and tools.

    Azure Sphere services are in public preview and dev kits are broadly available

    Azure Sphere is an IoT offering from Microsoft that enables manufacturers to create highly-secured, internet-connected microcontroller (MCU) devices. The first Azure Sphere dev kit is now available, and the Azure Sphere Security Service, Operating System, and Visual Studio development tools for Azure Sphere are now in preview.

    C# UDF for Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge now in preview

    C# user-defined functions (UDF) support for Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge is now available in preview.

    Enhancement for Map Control for Azure Maps now available

    Azure Maps is a portfolio of geospatial APIs that allows developers to build solutions with up-to-date geocoding, routing, IP geolocation, and other location-based services. An improved Map Control API with new features designed to enable intuitive and insightful data layering and visualizations is now available.

    Azure IoT Hub—New message routing capability available

    Azure IoT Hub message routing simplifies IoT solution development and enables you to send messages from your devices to cloud services in an automated, scalable, and reliable manner. Use routing queries to apply customized filters and send only the most relevant data to the service facing endpoints.

    Azure IoT Hub—Device provisioning service new functionalities

    IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service is a feature of IoT Hub that allows customers to provision and register IoT devices at scale in a secure manner

    Azure IoT Edge—extended edge offline support

    Extended edge offline support is a new feature of Azure IoT Edge in preview that offers robust offline operation.

    Management and Governance

    Azure governance services

    Azure governance services updates

    PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell now generally available

    PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell is now generally available.

    Enterprise backup for SQL Servers in Azure Virtual Machines

    Users can backup their SQL Servers running in Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). This workload backup capability is built as an infrastructure-less, pay-as-you-go service that uses native SQL backup and restore APIs to provide a comprehensive solution to backup SQL servers running in Azure IaaS VMs.

    Azure Cost Management in the Azure Portal preview

    Azure Cost Management is in the Azure portal and currently in preview. It’s now enabled by default, with improved performance and fuly integrated into the Azure platform.

    Azure Blueprints in preview

    Azure Blueprints enables the creation of fully governed environments in a repetitive manner.

    New full stack monitoring capabilities in Azure Monitor

    We’re bringing together our existing capabilities for monitoring infrastructure, apps, and networks under the moniker of Azure Monitor to provide a unified offering that delivers full stack monitoring for your applications.

    Azure Policy for Azure DevOps

    Azure Policy integration with Azure DevOps is now available.

    Azure Resource Graph in preview

    Azure Resource Graph, now in preview, enables fast exploration of your resources for efficient inventory management.

    Azure Advisor: New recommendations and tighter integrations

    Additional recommendations are now available in Azure Advisor, your personalized guide to Azure best practices. Advisor is a free service that helps you optimize your Azure resources to reduce costs, boost performance, strengthen security, and improve reliability.

    Azure Service Health: Immediate alerting on resource health issues

    Azure Service Health now offers immediate alerting on resource health issues—even before an outage is declared—to help you stay informed about the status of your Azure environment. Service Health provides personalized alerts and guidance when Azure service issues like incidents and planned maintenance affect your resources.

    Microsoft Azure Stack

    Service Fabric now available on Azure Stack

    Service Fabric, a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers, is now available on Azure Stack.

    Event Hubs on Azure Stack

    Azure Event Hubs is a big data streaming platform and event ingestion service, capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second, that can now run on Azure Stack.

    Kubernetes on Azure Stack in preview

    We now support Kubernetes cluster deployment on Azure Stack, a certified Kubernetes Cloud Provider. Install Kubernetes using Azure Resource Manager templates generated by ACS-Engine on Azure Stack.

    Enterprise backup for SQL Servers in Azure Virtual Machines

    Users can backup their SQL Servers running in Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). This workload backup capability is built as an infrastructure-less, pay-as-you-go service that uses native SQL backup and restore APIs to provide a comprehensive solution to backup SQL servers running in Azure IaaS VMs.

    Azure Stack—FedRAMP High documentation now available

    FedRAMP High documentation is now available for Azure Stack customers.


    Azure Data Box is now available

    Azure Data Box is now available. Use Azure Data Box service when you want to transfer large amounts of data to Azure but are limited by time, network availability or costs.

    Azure Data Box Edge now available

    Azure Data Box Edge is a physical network appliance, shipped by Microsoft, that sends data in and out of Azure. Data Box Edge is additionally equipped with AI-enabled edge computing capabilities that help you analyze, process, and transform the on-premises data before uploading it to the cloud.

    Azure Data Box Gateway now in preview

    Azure Data Box Gateway is a virtual appliance that acts as a storage gateway and creates a link between your site and Azure Storage.

    Azure Data Box heavy edition now available for petabyte-sized data transfers

    The Azure Data Box heavy edition is a secure, ruggedized appliance shipped to customers to facilitate petabyte-sized offline data transfers to Azure Storage.

    Azure governance services

    Azure governance services updates

    Azure Cost Management in the Azure Portal preview

    Azure Cost Management is in the Azure portal and currently in preview. It’s now enabled by default, with improved performance and fuly integrated into the Azure platform.

    Azure Database Migration Service: SQL to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance online migrations

    Migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance with minimal downtime by using preview functionality in the Azure Database Migration Service.

    Azure Database Migration Service: SQL to Azure SQL Database offline migration support

    Now generally available, the Azure Database Migration Service provides you the ability to assess SQL Server workloads running on-premises or on VMs, and to perform offline migrations to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.


    Azure App Service

    Azure App Service updates from Microsoft Ignite

    Tomcat for Azure App Service on Linux now generally available

    Azure App Service on Linux now supports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9. Azure App Service for Tomcat on Linux allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale their Tomcat web applications on a fully managed Linux-based service.

    Enhancement for Map Control for Azure Maps now available

    Azure Maps is a portfolio of geospatial APIs that allows developers to build solutions with up-to-date geocoding, routing, IP geolocation, and other location-based services. An improved Map Control API with new features designed to enable intuitive and insightful data layering and visualizations is now available.

    App Service—Python for App Service Linux preview

    App Service on Linux now supports Python 3.6/3.7 in preview.

    Bring your own storage to App Service on Linux

    App Service now supports the ability for customers to bring additional storage accounts to their Linux web apps


    Linux preview support of custom virtual networks on Azure Container Instances

    You can now provision Linux containers into new or existing virtual networks with Azure Container Instances. This support is in preview for Linux in two regions: West US and West Europe.

    Point-to-site VPN connectivity in Virtual WAN preview

    We are pleased to announce support for point-to-site VPN in Azure Virtual WAN. A point-to-site (P2S) VPN lets you create a secure connection to your Azure Virtual WAN from an individual client computer.

    Azure Virtual Network TAP

    Azure Virtual Network TAP enables you to continuously mirror traffic from a virtual network to a packet collector.

    Azure Virtual WAN now generally available

    Azure Virtual WAN provides a simple, unified, global connectivity and security platform to allow the deployment large scale branch infrastructure. ExpressRoute provides private connectivity into the Microsoft global network.

    Azure ExpressRoute Global Reach

    Azure ExpressRoute Global Reach allows you to connect your on-premises networks via the ExpressRoute service through Microsoft’s global network.

    Azure Firewall now generally available

    Azure Firewall is a managed cloud-based network security service that protects your Azure Virtual Network resources. It’s a fully stateful firewall as a service with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability.

    ExpressRoute Direct in preview

    ExpressRoute Direct allows customers to use the functionality of ExpressRoute and connect directly to the global Microsoft backbone at 100 Gbps. This enables customers who have scenarios like massive data ingestion to storage, physical isolation, dedicated capacity, and burst capacity to take advantage of Microsoft’s global backbone to access Azure regions at tremendous scale. This is backed with the enterprise-grade 99.95 percent SLA for port pair availability.

    Azure DNS Alias Records Generally Available

    Azure DNS has a new feature available now: alias records This feature lets you map your DNS records to an Azure Traffic Manager profile or a public IP resource such that your DNS zone tracks changes to the IPs associated with those resources.

    Application Gateway Autoscaling in preview

    Azure Application Gateway is an application delivery controller-as-a-service offering that provides layer 7 load balancing, security, and web application firewall functionality. Autoscaling functionality is available in preview as part of the new zone redundant SKU in all public Azure regions.

    Azure Load Balancer—Outbound Rules for Standard Load Balance GA

    Outbound Rules for Standard Load Balancer is now generally available. This new ability allows you to declare which public IP or public IP prefix should be used for outbound connectivity from your virtual network, and how outbound network address translations should be scaled and tuned.

    Azure Load Balancer TCP resets on idle in preview

    Now in preview, Azure Load Balancer supports sending of bidirectional TCP resets on idle timeout for load balancing rules, inbound NAT rules, and outbound rules.

    OpenVPN support for Azure VPN Gateways

    Azure Virtual Network Gateways now support OpenVPN as a protocol for point-to-site clients to connect.

    Zone-redundant VPN and ExpressRoute virtual network gateways generally available

    Zone-redundant VPN and ExpressRoute virtual network gateways are now generally available. This physically and logically separates them across different availability zones, protecting your on-premises network connectivity to Azure from zone-level failures. Additionally, we have made fundamental performance improvements including reducing the deployment time to create a virtual network gateway.


    Azure Security Center innovations now available in preview

    Azure Security Center Secure Score, which provides visibility and recommendations to improve your security posture for Azure resources, is now available in preview.

    Azure Active Directory conditional access in Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) conditional access, which allows administrators to control where and when users are permitted to sign in to Azure Databricks. Some of the common concerns this addresses include restricted sign-in access, limited network location access, managing the type of device access as well as restricted access to client applications.

    Azure Key Vault support with Azure Databricks

    Azure Databricks now supports Azure Key Vault backed secret scope. With this, Azure Databricks now supports two types of secret scopes—Azure Key Vault-backed and Databricks-backed.

    Azure Active Directory Integration with Azure Files in preview

    Azure Files Azure AD Integration for SMB access using Azure AD Domain Services is now available in preview.

    Application Gateway Autoscaling in preview

    Azure Application Gateway is an application delivery controller-as-a-service offering that provides layer 7 load balancing, security, and web application firewall functionality. Autoscaling functionality is available in preview as part of the new zone redundant SKU in all public Azure regions.

    OpenVPN support for Azure VPN Gateways

    Azure Virtual Network Gateways now support OpenVPN as a protocol for point-to-site clients to connect.

    Zone-redundant VPN and ExpressRoute virtual network gateways generally available

    Zone-redundant VPN and ExpressRoute virtual network gateways are now generally available. This physically and logically separates them across different availability zones, protecting your on-premises network connectivity to Azure from zone-level failures. Additionally, we have made fundamental performance improvements including reducing the deployment time to create a virtual network gateway.


    Azure Data Box is now available

    Azure Data Box is now available. Use Azure Data Box service when you want to transfer large amounts of data to Azure but are limited by time, network availability or costs.

    Ultra SSD, a new Azure Managed Disks offering, now available in preview.

    Ultra SSD, a new Azure Managed Disks offering for your most demanding data-intensive workloads, is now available in preview.

    Azure Data Box Edge now available

    Azure Data Box Edge is a physical network appliance, shipped by Microsoft, that sends data in and out of Azure. Data Box Edge is additionally equipped with AI-enabled edge computing capabilities that help you analyze, process, and transform the on-premises data before uploading it to the cloud.

    Azure Data Box Gateway now in preview

    Azure Data Box Gateway is a virtual appliance that acts as a storage gateway and creates a link between your site and Azure Storage.

    Azure Data Box heavy edition now available for petabyte-sized data transfers

    The Azure Data Box heavy edition is a secure, ruggedized appliance shipped to customers to facilitate petabyte-sized offline data transfers to Azure Storage.

    Azure Premium Blob Storage now in preview

    Azure Blob Storage introduces a new performance tier—Premium Blog Storage, complimenting the existing hot, cool, and archive tiers.

    Enterprise backup for SQL Servers in Azure Virtual Machines

    Users can backup their SQL Servers running in Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). This workload backup capability is built as an infrastructure-less, pay-as-you-go service that uses native SQL backup and restore APIs to provide a comprehensive solution to backup SQL servers running in Azure IaaS VMs.

    Azure Standard SSDs now generally available

    We’re announcing the general availability of Standard SSD: a cost-effective Azure Managed Disks offering optimized for low IOPS workloads that need consistent performance.

    Greater storage capacity and performance with new Azure Disks SKUs.

    New Azure Managed Disks SKUs for premium SSDs, standard SSDs, and standard HDDs will reach up to 32 TiB (32,767 GB). Performance will now reach up to 20,000 IOPS and 750 MBps.


    Azure App Service

    Azure App Service updates from Microsoft Ignite

    Tomcat for Azure App Service on Linux now generally available

    Azure App Service on Linux now supports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9. Azure App Service for Tomcat on Linux allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale their Tomcat web applications on a fully managed Linux-based service.

    App Service—Python for App Service Linux preview

    App Service on Linux now supports Python 3.6/3.7 in preview.

    Bring your own storage to App Service on Linux

    App Service now supports the ability for customers to bring additional storage accounts to their Linux web apps


    Migrating from Azure Service Manager (ASM) Virtual Machines to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) VM

    Time is up. With the announcement of http://manage.windowsazure.com is no more available since 2nd April 2018, it is high time you think around your classic Azure (ASM) resources. Most of the classic services can be managed from new portal i.e., https://portal.azure.com

    Here we will consider classic Virtual Machines with Virtual Networks. This is simple because if you move the Classic Virtual Networks to ARM Virtual Networks.

    There is an excellent article I followed and it just worked for me https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/migration-classic-resource-manager-ps

    This article would consider PowerShell usage. I am assuming that you have Azure PowerShell configured in your laptop.

    Step 1: Login and prepare the PowerShell

    Login to your Azure Subscription and check if the selected subscription is where you are working.

    Then register the Classic Infa Migration component.



    This would take some (5-10 min) time. Check the status by running below command,



    The status should be “registered“. Wait till the status is “registered” before you proceed for the next steps.

    Step 2: Identifying Classic Virtual Network name

    Finding Classic Virtual Network name is tricky, in new portal is shows something which is not usable. If you open the Classic Virtual Network it shows a section as “Virtual network site name (for .cscfg file)” (as below),

    Alternatively, you can also run the below command to find the name of the classic VNet,



    Step 3: Virtual Network Movement: Identify, Validate, Prepare and Commit


    Use this name as your VNet name.

    “Group ASM-ARM ASM-ARM”



    To validate if there is any issue please use this command,



    If everything is fine then you can proceed with the next step. Else you need to investigate the message.


    Then prepare the VNet




    If everything is fine above, then commit, else you can use the -Abort switch.



    This ideally should move your resources from ASM to ARM. However, I have observed they creates separate Resource groups. You may later move them into a single resource group.


    Log using NLog with your Application

    Keep logging in your application. This helps analyze the pain areas later. Let’s see how we can use something which is very simple to implement and use.

    It is NLog. Very simple and has many options.

    In your project you need to use two Nuget packages

    PS> Install-Package NLog -Version 4.3.9

    PS> Install-Package NLog.Config

    After you add these two your Project would have two few additions,

    Then in the NLog.config file we need to add necessary configuration details like what is logging level, location and format etc.

    The code would look like,

    For Windows the file will be created on bin folder, for Web it will be in root folder. We can have better options as well. For more detailed documentation please visit

    Tutorial https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Tutorial

    Homepage http://nlog-project.org/


    Web Programming with Python Django

    What is Django 

    Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source. Please refer  https://www.djangoproject.com/

    Here is how you can configure Django in your Ubuntu machine




    Ubuntu and Arduino IDE Issue


    After you install Arduino IDE from Ubuntu Application Center, you may want to connect your Arduino board and try out sample like Blink. But you may face issue like “Serial port COM1 not found”. You may also go to Arduino IDE > Menu > Tools and see the section “Serial Port” is disabled.

    The reason behind this is that you need to run the Arduino IDE as root (Elevated mode)

    So use this below command to run the Arduino IDE

    $ sudo arduino

    Things should be as expected..


    C and C++ in Ubuntu

    While Ubuntu is the best operating system for users, this is also one of the best one for developers. As a developer you would like to start with C/C++

    So this is how you would start coding, 

    1. Press CTRL + ALT + T this would open Terminal 
    2. Then type nano wriju.c (this will open editor, type the below code) 
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main ()
        printf("Hello Ubuntu!");
    3. Then CTRL + X then Y to save. 
    4. After that compile the code using gcc 
    gcc wriju.c -o executewriju
    5. The above will create an executable called executewriju
    6. To execute type
    If you want to create C++ use 
    g++ wriju.c -o executewriju